• 30/10/2019
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    Brachycephalic issues: Persian cats

    Brachycephalic issues: Persian cats

    As vets, we are obliged to prevent suffering in animals. That’s why we need to be advocates of healthy breeding at all times, for cats as well. A recent study from the UK revealed that 2/3 of Persian cats in the study have at least one health issue. The high levels of dental and eye

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    • 26/10/2019
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    The Kitten Checklist

    The Kitten Checklist

    Before getting a new kitten it is important to do some research and preparations to find a happy and healthy companion. The Kitten Checklist launched by The Cat Group will help you identify signs of ill health, to understand the kitten’s behavior and to determine how comfortable it is around people. Download The Kitten Checklist  

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    • 19/09/2019
    • 19
    Grapes can be highly toxic to dogs and cats!

    Grapes can be highly toxic to dogs and cats!

    Be aware! In some cases, grapes and raisins can cause acute kidney injury, so they should never be fed to dogs or cats.

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    • 15/09/2019
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    FVE Position Paper on Early Neutering of Kittens

    FVE Position Paper on Early Neutering of Kittens

    Early neutering of cats (before the age of 4 months) is widely used in some countries while uncommon in others. At the FVE General Assembly in June, a position paper on early neutering of cats was presented and unanimously adopted. The initiative was led by former FECAVA president Monique Megens and Dominique Autier-Derian, who were

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