In the Netherlands, brachycephalic dogs need veterinary approval for breeding
In March 2019, the report with enforcement criteria for the breeding of brachycephalic dogs was published by the Dutch Ministry of Agriculture, Nature and Food Quality. The Dutch Kennel Club ‘Raad van Beheer’ together with the breeding clubs of the involved breeds, submitted a breeding strategy of the brachycephalic dogs that were proven free of conformation related problems.
From May 18, 2020, Dutch veterinarians do measurements on breeding dogs for 12 short-nosed breeds based on the criteria for breeding published by the ministry*. Only with the correct evidence of fulfilling the enforcement criteria from both parent dogs a dog can have FCI pedigree issued.
The Dutch officials are aware that the new regulation might increase the import of the brachycephalic dogs into the Netherlands as for some dogs already now 70% of the annual number of puppies sold is imported. As part of the Fairdog project, a platform for healthier dogs, the Royal Dutch Veterinary Association – companion animals KNMvD is, amongst others, working towards the goal to stop the massive import of brachycephalic dogs from abroad.
FECAVA strongly supports the Netherlands in their efforts towards healthier breeding and improved welfare of the brachycephalic breeds. Also, FECAVA encourages other European countries to implement regulations towards healthier breeding of brachycephalic dogs despite the opposition from the supporters of the traditional breeding.
• Press Release from the Dutch Kennel Club Raad Van Beheer
• Form for veterinarians – Criteria Short Muzzled
*Official paper commissioned by the Dutch Ministry of Agriculture, Nature and Food Quality:
BREEDING SHORT-MUZZLED DOGS – Criteria for the enforcement of Article 3.4. of the Animal Keepers
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