• 09/09/2019
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    Unknown Disease Killing Dogs in Norway

    Unknown Disease Killing Dogs in Norway

    In Norway, an outbreak of serious illness has occurred in dogs in recent weeks. Dogs have been presented with severe bloody diarrhoea and vomiting, and their general condition has been deteriorating rapidly. About 20 dogs have already died. First cases were reported around Oslo, but there were reports about the illness with similar symptoms in

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    • 09/09/2019
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    FECAVA EuroCongress 2019

    FECAVA EuroCongress 2019

    FECAVA EuroCongress 2019 was held in St Petersburg from 4th to 7th of September 2019. The congress was organized by our Russian colleagues from RSAVA – Russian Small Animal Veterinary Association. We’ll prepare detailed reports of the happenings. Until then – here are some photo impressions …     

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    • 02/09/2019
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    68th IVSA Congress in Zagreb, Croatia

    68th IVSA Congress in Zagreb, Croatia

    The 68th IVSA Congress was held from July 21 to August 1, 2019 at the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine in Zagreb. With its slogan “Many vets, one path”, it gathered 143 delegates from 32 countries. Delegates from Europe and Asia to Africa and America were welcomed by the Organizing Committee (OC), which consisted of 16

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    • 02/09/2019
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    FECAVA in the press – Dog’s Today on Dutch prohibition of the breeding of dogs with too short muzzles

    FECAVA in the press – Dog’s Today on Dutch prohibition of the breeding of dogs with too short muzzles

    In its August edition, the Dog’s Today (UK’s largest magazine for dog owners) published an article on Dutch prohibition of the breeding of dogs with too short muzzles. FECAVA has welcomed this news and made a statement that was included in the article: »FECAVA welcomes this decision, which is potentially a first small step towards

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