• 01/10/2019
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    FECAVA Has a New Board

    FECAVA Has a New Board

    A new board that will lead FECAVA in the years from 2019 to 2021 was elected at the council meeting of the 25thFECAVA EuroCongress in St. Petersburg. The former President Wolfgang Dohne (UK) has become Senior Vice-President, leaving the position to a new President, Denis Novak from Serbia. Danny Holmes (Ireland) has become Vice-President and

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    • 27/09/2019
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    World Rabies Day 2019 – Rabies: Vaccinate to Eliminate

    World Rabies Day 2019 – Rabies: Vaccinate to Eliminate

    September 28, 2019 is the 13th World Rabies Day, the global day of action and raising awareness for prevention of rabies. This year’s theme focuses on vaccination and holds the title Rabies: Vaccinate to Eliminate. It is important to be aware that we can each contribute in our way to the global fight against this

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    • 25/09/2019
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    IVC Evidensia Sponsors FECAVA Student Travel Scholarship

    IVC Evidensia Sponsors FECAVA Student Travel Scholarship

    IVC Evidensia has recently agreed to sponsor a scholarship scheme that is run by the Federation of European Companion Animal Veterinary Association (FECAVA). IVC Evidensia will sponsor 10 students through the Student Travel Scholarship scheme, each year for the next two years. The scholarship gives students, in their final two years of university, the unique

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    • 22/09/2019
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    FECAVA Symposium on Canine Vector-Borne Diseases

    FECAVA Symposium on Canine Vector-Borne Diseases

    FECAVA Symposium on Canine Vector-Borne Diseases was held on the second day of FECAVA EuroCongress in St Petersburg on September 5, 2019. Luigi Venco DVM, SCPA, EVPC from Italy lectured about Heartworm – from diagnosis to therapy and about Angiostrongylus vasorum – unsuspecting killer. Gad Baneth, DVM, Ph.D. Dipl. ECVCP from Israel presented an update on

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