• 25/05/2020
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    Illegal Pet Trade – Game Over

    Illegal Pet Trade – Game Over

    On April 21, the Croatian Ministry of Agriculture and the Eurogroup for Animals organized the online workshop on the illegal trade of pets »Illegal Pet Trade: Game Over«. Almost 100 participants from animal academia, NGOs, experts from European institutions including Ann Criel, FECAVA Honorary Secretary, and member of the FVE Animal Welfare Working Group, as

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    • 18/05/2020
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    Mental Health Awareness Week

    Mental Health Awareness Week

    Every year a week is dedicated to focusing on Mental Health awareness and it’s this week! This year the theme is kindness. Evidence shows that helping others can have a positive effect on our own mental health and wellbeing. Think of ways this week you can be kind to yourself or someone else. Share your

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    • 16/05/2020
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    Pain management in clinical practice: an exciting and evolving field of expertise

    Pain management in clinical practice: an exciting and evolving field of expertise

    The big picture Pain management is far beyond giving a dose of drug A or B. It plays a huge role in animal welfare. Pain relief is part of a big picture that also includes minimizing stress, fear and anxiety in the hospital setting. This is usually accomplished with a fear-free approach, cat-friendly handling and

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    • 11/05/2020
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    In Memory of Emeritus Professor Michael J. Day

    In Memory of Emeritus Professor Michael J. Day

    The veterinary community lost a powerful voice and we lost a close friend. Dear Michael J. Day, your work will resonate and you will stay in our hearts forever. Thank you for being part of our lives. We had the honor to start our last Newsletter with his words. Dr. Day recently received WSAVA Award

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