• 27/02/2022
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    On Russia-Ukraine Conflict

    Like all humanitarians, veterinarians are watching the unfolding military action with dismay and are concerned for the safety of all families and of course their pets. We are however a nonpolitical organisation and have no official comment. We are based in Belgium and will have to apply Belgian law if there are sanctions that affect

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    • 13/02/2022
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    Full victory for the dogs!

    Full victory for the dogs!

    In 2021, the Norwegian Society for Protection of Animals (NSPCA) launched a formal lawsuit against the Norwegian Kennel Club (NKK), two breed clubs, and six individual breeders over violation of the breeding section in the Animal Welfare Act section 25. The case was carefully considered by an experienced district court judge and two co-judges who

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    • 04/02/2022
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    World cancer day: Almost half of the dogs over the age of 10 will develop cancer

    World cancer day: Almost half of the dogs over the age of 10 will develop cancer

    On February 4, the world comes together to raise awareness, improve education, and inspire action to combat cancer. We will dedicate this year’s World Cancer Day to the latest news in the field of veterinary oncology. Hopefully, you’ll find some of this information useful and will be able to incorporate them into your clinical practice.

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    • 28/01/2022
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    New edition of ESCCAP ectoparasite guideline – January 2022

    New edition of ESCCAP ectoparasite guideline – January 2022

    On January 12, 2022, a new edition of the European Scientific Council Companion Animal Parasites (ESCCAP) ectoparasite guideline was published online. The new edition has been extensively revised and contains updated text, tables, life cycles and maps. Download the new versions from the website’s guidelines section. https://www.esccap.org/guidelines/gl3/  

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