• 02/09/2023
    • 8
    Additional Legislation to Punish Dog Mutilation in Ireland

    Additional Legislation to Punish Dog Mutilation in Ireland

    Ear cropping has been illegal in Ireland since 2013 under the Animal Health and Welfare Act, except when performed by a Veterinary Practitioner for veterinary therapeutic treatment. However, loopholes in the legislation have made it nearly impossible for authorities to secure prosecutions against those cropping, owning, or showing dogs with ear tissue removed for non-therapeutic

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    • 24/08/2023
    • 8
    Polish Small Animal Veterinary association invites Ukrainian vets to the PSAVA annual Congress

    Polish Small Animal Veterinary association invites Ukrainian vets to the PSAVA annual Congress

    Шановні колеги – ветеринари України Польська асоціація ветеринарів дрібних тварин гостинно запрошує ветеринарів з України на ХХХI міжнародний конгрес PSAVA, який відбудеться 17-19 листопада 2023 року в Лодзі. Лекції будуть проводитися польською мовою, а деякі лекції будуть проводитися англійською мовою з перекладом на польську. Детальну інформацію про конгрес можна знайти на сайті https://pslwmz.conrego.pl. В рамках

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    • 20/08/2023
    • 20
    Dealing with Online Harassment for Veterinarians

    Dealing with Online Harassment for Veterinarians

    The rise of harassment of veterinarians on social media is a concerning issue and even a reason some veterinarians might leave the profession or suffer severe mental health issues. Dealing with a specific case can be overwhelming, and everyone’s situation is unique. But we’ve tried to wrap up a few points to help you address

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    • 02/08/2023
    • 4
    This week we asked Chat-GPT: How might we anticipate shifts in the veterinary field as the demographic transitions predominantly from male to female?

    This week we asked Chat-GPT: How might we anticipate shifts in the veterinary field as the demographic transitions predominantly from male to female?

    This week we asked Chat-GPT: »How might we anticipate shifts in the veterinary field as the demographic transitions predominantly from male to female?« Here is the answer: While it’s important to note that actual outcomes can vary widely and depend on numerous factors, a demographic shift from mainly male to mainly female within the veterinary

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