• 28/08/2019
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    New fitness test for pugs from Germany

    New fitness test for pugs from Germany

    Over the last two years, the German kennel club (VDH) Verband für das Deutsche Hundewesen – VDH e.V. has been working with the Federal Veterinary Chamber and the German Veterinary Society to introduce measures to improve the health of the breed. Professor Dr. Ingo Nolte of the University of Veterinary Medicine in Hannover has developed a standardized,

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    • 28/08/2019
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    Get ready for World Rabies Day 2019

    Get ready for World Rabies Day 2019

    September 28, 2019 will be the 13th World Rabies Day, the global day of action and raising awareness for prevention of rabies. This year’s theme focuses on vaccination and holds the title Rabies: Vaccinate to Eliminate. It is important to be aware that we can each contribute in our way to the global fight against

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    • 22/03/2019
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    Professor Tiny de Keuster honoured with the leading female scientists and engineers award

    Professor Tiny de Keuster honoured with the leading female scientists and engineers award

    Leading female scientists and engineers awarded scientific heirlooms by their peers at the fourth Engineering & Physical Sciences Suffrage Science Awards on 8 March 2019. With the core STEM employment sector increasing by 6.3% from 2017 to 2018 at more than 6 times that of overall employment in the UK, it is safe to say

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    • 22/03/2019
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    NSAVA supports responsible breeding

    NSAVA supports responsible breeding

    Norway has 5,2 million inhabitants and 2670 active vets. The Norwegian Small animal veterinary association has been inspired by the great work of our European colleagues. The last couple of years they focused on unhealthy breeding, and in particular brachycephalic breeds. NSAVA started by arranging a free seminar for their members on the diseases and

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