• 14/03/2020
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    EMA’s activities on veterinary medicines

    EMA’s activities on veterinary medicines

    The European Medicines Agency (EMA) has published the updated advice on the categorization of antibiotics for animal use. They encourage veterinarians to use it when prescribing medicines for their patients, and also to protect animal and public health. The classification comprises 4 categories, based on the risk that the use of antibiotics poses to public

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    • 10/03/2020
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    European Parliament against illegal trade of pets

    European Parliament against illegal trade of pets

    On February 12, at Plenary session in Strasbourg, Members of the European Parliament, with a large majority of votes, adopted a non-binding resolution on protecting the EU’s internal market and consumer rights against the negative implications of the illegal trade in companion animals (2019/2814(RSP)). As an estimated 46,000 dogs are traded every month between EU

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    • 03/03/2020
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    FECAVA Council Meeting

    FECAVA Council Meeting

    The 35th SAVAB-Flanders Congress will be held this end of the week in Antwerp, Belgium. At the congress, 4th – 7th March, FECAVA representatives will gather for the first Council Meeting this year to report about their past work and to plan future FECAVA activities. The next Council Meeting will be held at the FECAVA/WSAVA/PSAVA

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    • 27/02/2020
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    Dutch criteria for breeding short-nosed dogs

    Dutch criteria for breeding short-nosed dogs

    The Expertise Centre Genetics of Companion Animals (ECGG) of the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine of Utrecht University has developed criteria for breeding short-nosed dogs on behalf of the Dutch Minister of Agriculture, Nature and Food Quality. These criteria help Authorities and the National Animal Protection Inspectorate to better enforce the existing Dutch legislation. Breeding selection

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