• 09/01/2021
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    Traveling with Pets from the UK to the EU

    Traveling with Pets from the UK to the EU

    The Brexit transition period has ended and new rules on pet travel now apply. From January 1, 2021 pet passports will no longer be valid. The EU has agreed that Great Britain should be given “part two listed” status, allowing pets to travel within its borders providing the owners to obtain an animal health certificate

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    • 03/01/2021
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    New Year’s Greetings from FECAVA President  Denis Novak

    New Year’s Greetings from FECAVA President Denis Novak

    Happy 2021! FECAVA best wishes to everyone for a very happy 2021. This is a message of thanks to all of our colleagues in the veterinary profession. Thank you to every individual wherever you practice veterinary medicine. A pandemic! Corona Virus. Lockdown. We have never lived through such a catastrophic event and it showed we

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    • 19/12/2020
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    Noise reactivity

    Noise reactivity

    Introduction Anxiety disorders, fear, and phobias are among the most common behavioral problems of companion animals. These problems include generalized anxiety, separation-related problems, and phobias of specific stimuli such as storms, fireworks, or other noises. In each of these disorders, affected animals are in a state of heightened arousal and distress. They may cause damage

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    • 19/12/2020
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    Introducing Mask to Dog or Cat

    Introducing Mask to Dog or Cat

    Owner Approach animal slowly and calmly. When about 2 m in front, put on mask so that the animal can see it and speak with normal, calm and friendly voice. When the animal shows positive recognition, call the dog or cat to you or proceed closer and start stroking. This should be repeated by different

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