• 24/01/2021
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    BSAVA Virtual Congress 2021 program is live!

    BSAVA Virtual Congress 2021 program is live!

    We are excited to let you know the programme for Congress 2021, 25 – 27 March, is now live! Containing over 130 hours of first-class CPD, delivered by professional speakers from all around the globe. Here’s a small taster of what’s in store: The USA’s Ernie Ward will be speaking about recruitment and retention, including

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    • 18/01/2021
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    FECAVA and WSAVA Mark Blue Monday with Commitment to Veterinary Collegiality

    FECAVA and WSAVA Mark Blue Monday with Commitment to Veterinary Collegiality

    The Federation of European Companion Animal Veterinary Associations (FECAVA) and World Small Animal Veterinary Association (WSAVA) have drawn up a set of guidelines outlining how veterinary professionals should conduct themselves among their peers. Called ‘Global Principles of Veterinary Collegiality’, the document springs from discussions held during a VIP Summit at WSAVA World Congress in July

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    • 18/01/2021
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    Blooming Monday

    Blooming Monday

    Blue Monday is the third Monday in January and recognised in the northern hemisphere as allegedly the most depressing day of the year. To try to help with this, over the last few years this Monday (18th January this year) has been named `Blooming Monday` and everyone is encouraged to wear bright cloths and brighten

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    • 16/01/2021
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    FVE Position Paper on Telemedicine in Veterinary Medicine

    FVE Position Paper on Telemedicine in Veterinary Medicine

    The availability and demand for veterinary telemedicine services continue to grow. Benefits of telemedicine can include more affordable services, convenience and practicality, less distress for the animal, improved access to specialist care, and more efficient triage. Possible barriers comprise the increased risk of medical error, fraud, miscommunication, and lower standards of practice. The Federation of

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