• 13/04/2021
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    FVE, FECAVA and ATA webinar on transporting brachiocephalic dogs by air

    FVE, FECAVA and ATA webinar on transporting brachiocephalic dogs by air

    The jointly organized webinar by the animal transport association (ATA), FECAVA and FVE was held on 1 April 2021. The webinar focused on transporting brachiocephalic dogs (or short-nose dogs) by air. Thousands of pets are shipped annually by air. To ensure successful transport for the special needs of the brachiocephalic pet, the webinar reviewed the

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    • 24/03/2021
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    ATA/FECAVA/FVE Webinar on air transport of brachiocephalic pets 1 April 5 PM CET

    ATA/FECAVA/FVE Webinar on air transport of brachiocephalic pets 1 April 5 PM CET

    Thousands of pets are shipped annually by air. To ensure successful transport for the special needs of the brachiocephalic pet, this webinar will review the health and welfare of travel, best practices and regulation in flight and other recommendations for transporting these pets. FULLY BOOKED! Agenda: Session I: Presentations 17:00: Opening remarks from the Animal

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    • 24/03/2021
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    FECAVA and WSAVA Launch ‘Collegiality Infographic’ during Congress

    FECAVA and WSAVA Launch ‘Collegiality Infographic’ during Congress

    The Federation of European Companion Animal Veterinary Associations (FECAVA) and World Small Animal Veterinary Association (WSAVA) have launched a infographic for veterinary practices around the world to help remind them of its ‘Global Principles of Veterinary Collegiality’, launched earlier this year. The infographic was introduced by FECAVA Past President Dr Wolfgang Dohne during a presentation

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    • 22/03/2021
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    Dr. Jerzy Gawor opens the Opening Ceremony at WSAVA/FECAVA Congress 2021

    Dr. Jerzy Gawor opens the Opening Ceremony at WSAVA/FECAVA Congress 2021

    Greetings from the Chair of the Local Host Committee Dr. Jerzy Gawor This is supposed to be both the first WSAVA Congress and the first FECAVA Congress in Poland. We are proud and enthusiastic about this because this is our first Congress; the first to be held during a pandemic and the first virtual event

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