• 31/01/2023
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    The importance of good monitoring in Anesthesia

    The importance of good monitoring in Anesthesia

    Don’t miss the new part of FECAVA Basic Practices in Anesthesia and Analgesia: The importance of good monitoring from Paulo Steagall MV MSc PhD DACVAA and Polly Taylor MA VetMB PhD DVA DipECVAA MRCA FRCVS Monitoring equipment is now affordable for veterinary medicine and is highly beneficial as good monitoring draws immediate attention to issues at

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    • 25/01/2023
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    The Netherlands is first country in the world to ban ownership of pets with harmful external characteristics

    The Netherlands is first country in the world to ban ownership of pets with harmful external characteristics

    Dutch government proposed a law which prohibits the ownership of cats and dogs with external characteristics that are harmful to the animal. The ban was announced on January 21 by the Minister of Agriculture, Nature and Food Quality (Piet Adema). Using immages of these animals for advertising and social media promotion will be prohibited as

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    • 20/01/2023
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    Ukraine Charity Webinar Series 2023

    Ukraine Charity Webinar Series 2023

    Boehringer Ingelheim Animal Health supports the VETS help VETS initiative for Ukrainian veterinarians in need. The war in Ukraine affects us all! Many colleagues in Ukraine have lost their livelihoods, but they still continue to care for their patients in extremely precarious circumstances. Together with veterinarians from around the globe, Boehringer Ingelheim Animal Health wants

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    • 12/12/2022
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    FECAVA Council Meeting in Marseille, France

    FECAVA Council Meeting in Marseille, France

    From 30th November to 3rd December FECAVA board, National Association directors, and FECAVA guests met in Marseille. The meeting hosts were the French Small Animal Veterinary Association AFVAC during their annual Congress. It was a great honor for FECAVA to meet again in France, in its »birthland« where it was officially founded in 1990. The

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