• 03/04/2023
    • 868
    BSAVA PetSavers Ageing Canine Toolkit (ACT)

    BSAVA PetSavers Ageing Canine Toolkit (ACT)

    BSAVA PetSavers-funded research at the University of Liverpool (the Old Age Pets (OAP) research project) aimed to help vets and clients provide the best care for senior and geriatric dogs. The research showed that many owners find it difficult to know what are ‘normal’ age-related changes or whether signs indicate possible disease that would benefit

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    • 03/04/2023
    • 47
    NEW ASCCAP GUIDE: Parasitological  Diagnosis in Cats,  Dogs and Equines

    NEW ASCCAP GUIDE: Parasitological Diagnosis in Cats, Dogs and Equines

    ESCCAP (European Scientific Counsel Companion Animal Parasites) is delighted to announce the completion of its diagnostics guideline: Parasitological Diagnosis in Cats, Dogs and Equines. This guideline is intended for use by veterinary professionals who carry out routine diagnostic procedures in their practice for the detection of parasitic infections, and for those who submit samples regularly

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    • 27/02/2023
    • 86
    Veterinary Evidence from RCVS Knowledge

    Veterinary Evidence from RCVS Knowledge

    Veterinary Evidence, a peer-reviewed, open-access journal from RCVS Knowledge, has launched its new website, offering even better support for busy veterinary professionals and academics looking to improve veterinary care. The journal, which reaches over 14,000 monthly international users, provides free access to critical summaries of the best available evidence, called Knowledge Summaries, enabling practitioners to

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    • 13/02/2023
    • 440
    FECAVA Wise Nuggets – Dr Thomas Flegel

    FECAVA Wise Nuggets – Dr Thomas Flegel

    New FECAVA Wise Nugget is here! Thomas Flegel, dr. med vet, DECVN, graduated from Humboldt-University Berlin, Germany in 1992. After spending a few years in different university hospitals as well in small animal practices in Berlin, Thomas became a lecturer in small animal neurology at the Veterinary Teaching Hospital of NC State University in Raleigh,

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