• 17/06/2023
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    Dr Ann Criel, FECAVA General Secretary Elected as a UEVP Vice President

    Dr Ann Criel, FECAVA General Secretary Elected as a UEVP Vice President

    On the 25th of June 2023, the General Assembly of the UEVP took place in Zaječí in the Czech Republic. UEVP (Union of European Veterinary Practitioners) is a European umbrella organization of 27 national veterinary practitioners’ associations and 4 European federations. For the 2023-2025 mandate, the UEVP General Assembly has elected: • Dr. Volker Moser (Austria)

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    • 14/06/2023
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    The Future of Veterinary Medicine as seen by AI

    The Future of Veterinary Medicine as seen by AI

    A lot is discussed about integrating artificial intelligence (AI) into veterinary medicine. That’s why we’ve decided to put it to work. Every week we’ll have a post generated by AI (with human assistance). This week we asked ChatGPT: “What’s the future of veterinary medicine?” “The future of veterinary medicine holds tremendous potential for advancements in

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    • 09/06/2023
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    Support for the young vets in the Netherlands: Coach bank

    Support for the young vets in the Netherlands: Coach bank

    Even though a veterinary career is enriching, the start and transition from the faculty to the workplace can be challenging for the individual. At the end of 2022, the study Dutch veterinary graduates leaving practice: A mixed-methods analysis of frequency and underlying reasons showed that many graduates leave clinical practice in the first years. The

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    • 08/06/2023
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    Free German course for veterinarians from Ukraine

    Free German course for veterinarians from Ukraine

    To be able to work as a veterinarian in Germany, one needs to have a good knowledge of the professional language in order to communicate with animal owners and colleagues in a trustworthy and explicit manner. Since the war on Ukraine forced many colleagues to leave their country, the company Vetion.de would like to support

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