• 30/08/2020
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    Gratitude for the Busy Clinician

    Gratitude for the Busy Clinician

    Gratitude is becoming an increasingly popular topic on social media, courses, and in practice, but why? Is it just a fad? Absolutely not. Gratitude is the act of being thankful, pleased, and showing appreciation. This may be in the form of expressing gratitude directly to others, or simply consciously acknowledging events, objects and individuals that

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    • 01/08/2020
    • 0
    Battling burnout

    Battling burnout

    A recent survey found that the rate of burnout among North American vets is higher than that for doctors – a stark statistic given the well-documented emotional burden of treating people – but what is burnout exactly? While the word has traditionally been used to describe a sense of chronic exhaustion, researchers now have a

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    • 25/05/2020
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    Be Kind to Yourself

    Be Kind to Yourself

    Mental Health Awareness week is over for another year, but it’s important that we don’t only have this at the forefront of our mind for one week a year. This needs to be something we consider on a regular basis. The topic this year was Be Kind, and this applies to ourselves as well as

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    • 23/05/2020
    • 17
    Random Acts of Kindness

    Random Acts of Kindness

    Helping others, helps you feel better too! Pick and choose from our menu of random acts of kindness to make someone happy today. Please share your experiences with us! #MentalHealthAwarnessWeek #RandomActsOfKindness

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