• 05/11/2022
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    International Stress Awareness Week 2022

    International Stress Awareness Week 2022

    Monday 7th, November was the beginning of Stress Awareness Week Stress is a feeling of being under pressure that is unique to each individual and can come form different aspects of your life. Everyone experiences stress. Some pressure o feeling out of your comfort zone for a short period of time can be okay but

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    • 03/10/2022
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    Vets in Mind

    Vets in Mind

    The burden of mental ill health is significant in our profession and has been well documented. A number of causes have been put forward and are being explored. I have had two significant direct experiences of mental ill health. My father (a farmer) unexpectedly took his life when I was ten years old and I

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    • 30/07/2022
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    International Day of Friendship

    International Day of Friendship

    Today is the International Day of Friendship. A day to celebrate our friends. It’s good to spend time with friends… and that can be talking through worries or concerns… or just sitting quietly together, enjoying a new experience together, or…having a laugh and giggle over a joke. Whatever it is, after the recent few years, living

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    • 13/07/2022
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    FECAVA Infographic: You are still a good vet

    FECAVA Infographic: You are still a good vet

    Veterinary teams put an enormous efforts every day to take care of patients and often forget that it’s ok to take care of themselves as well. Here is a small reminder that you are A GOOD VET even if you put yourself first from time to time! Download & share the infographic HERE.  

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