• 15/12/2019
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    Newsletter October 2019: One Health: Zoonoses, AMR, Food Safety

    Newsletter October 2019: One Health: Zoonoses, AMR, Food Safety

    Dear Colleagues, More than 200 diseases are known to be transmitted from animals to humans. These diseases are dangerous for people around the world. Research about transmission, pathogenesis and diagnosis of these diseases is important as well as education of people about risk factors and finally research about treatment of humans, affected animals, and last

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    • 10/12/2019
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    The Soulsby Foundation and Travelling Fellowships

    The Soulsby Foundation and Travelling Fellowships

    About the Soulsby Foundation The Soulsby Foundation was established in 2016 by Lord Soulsby of Swaffham Prior and his colleagues, family and friends on the occasion of his 90th birthday, to honour his life’s work in public service and his pioneering role as a champion of the concept of “One Health” internationally. Lord Soulsby is

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    • 07/12/2019
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    Alphachloralose, a novel rodenticide, found to be toxic to cats and dogs

    Alphachloralose, a novel rodenticide, found to be toxic to cats and dogs

    Finnish Safety and Chemicals Agency (Tukes) began to study alphachloralose (AC) toxicity in 2019 after several Finnish veterinarians started to discuss it on social media. AC works as an anesthetic. Especially cats are prone to AC toxicity because the substance also acts when a pet eats a mouse that has ingested the poison. When treated

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    • 01/12/2019
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    Germany Against Extreme Breeding

    Germany Against Extreme Breeding

    The Veterinary chamber Berlin (Tierärztekammer Berlin) together with the Federal Veterinary Chamber (Bundestierärztekammer), the Berlin Animal Protection Officer (Berliner Landestierschutzbeauftragten) and representatives of the Department of Veterinary Medicine of the FU Berlin (Fachbereichs Veterinärmedizin der FU-Berlin) presented its second campaign against extreme breeding at the press conference on November 5. The purpose of this campaign

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