• 07/03/2022
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    SAFEVET SMART  a practical guide to stress  management and resilience

    SAFEVET SMART a practical guide to stress management and resilience

    Safevet smart is a practical guide to stress management and resilience techniques for veterinary practitioners and veterinary nurses. This handbook was written and researched by Dr. Margaret O’Rourke and Catherine Hammond, a fifth-year veterinary student. Dr. O’Rourke is a Consultant Forensic Clinical Psychologist and the Director of Behavioural Science at the School of Medicine, University

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    • 07/03/2022
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    Danish veterinarians demonstrate against new EU medicines regulation

    Danish veterinarians demonstrate against new EU medicines regulation

    Among other things, the new EU medicines legislation foresees that preventive antimicrobial use is permitted only in exceptional circumstances. It also introduces the possibility of restricting or even prohibiting the use of some antimicrobials in animals. The most important will be reserved for the treatment of certain human conditions. The Veterinary Medicinal Products Regulation will

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    • 06/03/2022
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    Vets for Ukraine web portal launched

    Vets for Ukraine web portal launched

    FECAVA has collected all the information we have,  partnered with FVE, and launched web portal Vets for Ukraine to coordinate veterinary aid to Ukrainian veterinarians, their families, and animals. Link: www.VetsForUkraine.com This website is updated on a daily basis. Please note that this portal lists all information we collected, it is not verified. We strongly

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    • 27/02/2022
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    On Russia-Ukraine Conflict

    Like all humanitarians, veterinarians are watching the unfolding military action with dismay and are concerned for the safety of all families and of course their pets. We are however a nonpolitical organisation and have no official comment. We are based in Belgium and will have to apply Belgian law if there are sanctions that affect

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