• 05/11/2022
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    International Stress Awareness Week 2022

    International Stress Awareness Week 2022

    Monday 7th, November was the beginning of Stress Awareness Week Stress is a feeling of being under pressure that is unique to each individual and can come form different aspects of your life. Everyone experiences stress. Some pressure o feeling out of your comfort zone for a short period of time can be okay but

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    • 03/10/2022
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    FECAVA participates in a discussion at the EU Parliament on Responsible Care of Cats and Dogs

    FECAVA participates in a discussion at the EU Parliament on Responsible Care of Cats and Dogs

    Responsible care of cats and dogs – political guidance for responsible population management took place in the EP in Brussels on the 29th of September 2022 (agenda). The meeting host was Petras Auštrevičius, a Member of the European Parliament and Chairman of the Working Group on Companion Animals. Besides other speakers, Ann Criel, FECAVA Honorary

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    • 03/10/2022
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    FECAVA Wise nuggets – dr. Cedric Tutt

    FECAVA Wise nuggets – dr. Cedric Tutt

    Wise nuggets is a new FECAVA initiative in which we present invaluable bits of advice and life lessons from our experienced colleagues all over Europe. This month, we are proud to bring you a few pearls of wisdom from dr. Cedric Tutt BVSc, BVSc(Hons), MMedVet (Med), Diplomate EVDC, an internationally qualified and recognised veterinary dentist

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    • 05/09/2022
    • 794
    USAVA BASED Program for 2022-2023.

    USAVA BASED Program for 2022-2023.

    Dear USAVA friends and doctors of veterinary medicine, representatives of veterinary associations. We are grateful for your help and support. Your help it’s not only about the money support that we receive, it is a thousand of saved lives of animals, thousands of vaccinations, sterilizations, tons of food for animals, and support of shelters. You

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