UEVP General Assembly – Heraklion, 13th June 2024

As Vice President of UEVP and Vice President of FECAVA, I want to extend my heartfelt thanks to the Hellenic Veterinary Medical Society for organizing the FVE/UEVP General Assembly in Heraklion this June. Those who attended can attest that the organization was impeccable. The event was a perfect blend of important, informative, and useful meetings, coupled with a wonderful, relaxing, and delicious social program, making it truly memorable.

At the UEVP General Assembly, we addressed several key topics. Telemedicine was a major focus, with Bjorn Becker emphasizing that while telemedicine will not replace face-to-face consultations, digital veterinary services will surpass traditional ones. This highlights the evolving nature of veterinary practice and the importance of embracing technological advancements.

We also held an interactive session on soft skills, in collaboration with other FVE sections (EASVA, UEVH, EVERI, and IVSA), where we stressed the importance of communication, empathy, and flexibility/adaptability. These skills are crucial for effective veterinary practice and professional development.

Greek country matters were another significant topic of discussion. Greek veterinarians raised concerns about the new regulation mandating neutering of all cats and dogs and mandatory DNA sampling. They requested support from UEVP and FVE to advocate for a more acceptable solution to the stray cat and dog problem. Additionally, the importance of Greek dairy farms with small ruminants was highlighted by Professor George Fthenakis from Thessaly University and Alexandros Stefanakis, a veterinary practitioner from Crete. Notably, Crete, with its 1.7 million sheep, holds over 20% of Greece’s sheep population.

One of the most significant announcements was the development of a new communication tool for UEVP. Currently, UEVP communicates through a monthly newsletter, but recognizing the fast-paced changes in information dissemination, we are developing an online platform to deliver veterinary news promptly to the right veterinarians. This project will be launched at the next General Assembly in Brussels on 28th November.

We also initiated plans for celebrating the 50th birthday of FVE and the 55th birthday of UEVP, with a dedicated Task Force working on this.

Once again, it was a delightful experience to see familiar, happy veterinary faces and to be part of a meeting that will be cherished for a long time.

Ann Criel
Vice President UEVP, Vice President FECAVA

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